24/7 App Monitoring Platform

Reproduce Errors with Ease

Logify was designed to pin-point issues within application code and capture pertinent information on all app crash events. From a full stack trace, to device type used, Logify reports are comprehensive, easy-to-read, and always accurate.


Logify App for Android   Logify App for iOS

Priority-Driven Crash Reporting

Eliminate Doubt and Uncertainty

With Logify, you can focus on what matters most and avoid the frustrations associated with conventional log files. Logify’s defect tracking tools are fully customizable and allow you to focus on crash events that matter most.

You Are in Total Control

Customize the Crash Reporting Process

Logify places control in your hands and allows you to fully control the crash-reporting and data logging process. You can automatically log all crash events or manage the process manually. Logify’s comprehensive client API allows you to extend report information with custom data.

Easy-to-Install AND Easy-to-Use

Start your free 15-day trial today and see how you can integrate 24/7 app monitoring into your product delivery and project maintenance process.

Once you’ve registered for our 15-day trial, you’ll be issued an application API key. With this key and a few lines of code, your application will automatically report unhandled exceptions to the Logify Alert service.
Please refer to the following help topics for platform-specific instructions: