.NET MAUI and Xamarin Controls - This Free Offer Has Expired
This offer has expired at 23:59 GMT on December 31, 2024.
If you signed up for the offer before the expiration date listed above, you can continue to use the following product libraries within your project free-of-charge (please refer to our End User License Agreement for more information on redistribution rights).
Please remember that this free offer was limited to the products/versions listed below. The free offer does not apply to products/versions not explicitly listed on this webpage.
- MAUI Data Grid v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI Scheduler v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI Chart v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI Collection View v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI Data Form & Editors v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI TabView v21.2.x - v24.1.x
- MAUI Radial Gauge v23.2.x - v24.1.x
- Xamarin Data Grid v20.2.x - v22.1.x
- Xamarin Scheduler v20.2.x - v22.1.x
- Xamarin Chart v20.2.x - v22.1.x
- Xamarin Collection View v20.2.x - v22.1.x
- Xamarin Data Form & Editors v20.2.x - v22.1.x
- Xamarin Drawer & TabView v20.2.x - v22.1.x
This free offer does not include technical support from DevExpress. Technical support for DevExpress Xamarin & MAUI Controls is only available as part of the Universal subscription. To learn how to use our Xamarin & MAUI UI Controls in your application please refer to the following resources:
Should you have questions about this free offer or would like to discuss the DevExpress End User License Agreement, please email clientservices@devexpress.com at your convenience.