WinForms and WPF Grids

Data Grids that do everything

Our Data Grid controls for WinForms and WPF are a best-of-breed editing/data shaping components and ship with dozens of high-impact features so you can easily manage information and display it on-screen as business needs dictate.

  • Blazing Fast Performance
    Intelligent internal data processing means your apps will be fast, very fast...regardless of
    dataset size or complexity.
  • Unmatched UI Flexibility
    Comprehensive presentation views mean your apps will be stunning, easy-to-use and
    ready to address any business requirement.
  • Powerful Runtime Experiences
    End-user customization options mean your apps will meet and exceed the needs
    of your most demanding clients.
  • Intuitive Data Shaping
    Built-in grouping, sorting and data computation tools mean your apps will analyze and
    inform, all without writing a single line of code.
  • Superior Data Editing & Input Validation
    A fully integrated collection of cell editors means your apps will deliver powerful
    editing capabilities for any data-centric application.

Learn more about WinForms Grid and WPF Grid

WinForms Data Grid | DevExpress
WPF Data Grid | DevExpress


High-performance and always responsive grid controls

The blazing fast and feature-complete ASP.NET Grid (GridView) by DevExpress allows you to deliver functional, elegant and interactive experiences for the web, regardless of the target browser or computing device.

  • Performance at its Best
    The DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC Grid Controls can address a wide range of business usage scenarios, and offer complete control over the data source – be it a static collection or a web service providing live data.
  • Limitless Data Shaping and Presentation Options
    Customize the grid and visualize data using numerous UI metaphors including bands, master-detail and fixed columns. And yes, the grid fully supports conditional formatting, data sorting, grouping, filtering and summaries.
  • UI Flexibility
    Fully customizable user experiences, here today. A variety of customizable UI elements and behaviors designed to give you meticulous control over the Grid's runtime capabilities.
  • Superior Data Editing
    CRUD operations have never been easier. Use the grid's built-in data editors, edit forms and data validation engine to create intuitive user experiences for your next web project.

    Learn more about ASP.NET GridView

ASP.NET Web Forms GridView | DevExpress
ASP.NET MVC GridView | DevExpress

JavaScript Data Grid

Angular, React, Vue, and jQuery

Our JavaScript Data Grid is built for speed and ready to tackle your toughest business challenge. With integrated server-side support for data filtering, paging, sorting, record grouping, and summary computations extremely large datasets are never an issue for the DevExtreme Data Grid.

  • Flexible Data-Binding
  • Adaptability Inside
  • Master-Detail Made Easy
  • Data Shaping and Record Grouping Options
  • Integrated Filtering and Search Panel
  • Built-in Data Editing and Validation
  • Intuitive Record Selection
  • Column and Layout Customization
  • Comprehensive Data Export Options
  • Optimized for Touch-First User Experiences

Learn more about JavaScript Data Grid   Online Demos

JavaScript Data Grid | DevExpress
React Data Grid | DevExpress

Blazor Data Grid

A superior Grid component for Blazor UI

Our set of native Blazor Components includes a feature-rich and very fast Data Grid component. The Data Grid ships with the following built-in capabilities:

  • High Performance Data Loading
  • Bind to Remote Data / Async Data Processing
  • Data Editing and Input Validation
  • Master-Detail Data Presentation
  • Data Sorting, Grouping and Filtering
  • Multiple Row Selection
  • Pre-defined Column Types
  • Templates and HTML Decoration
  • Virtual Scrolling and Paging
  • Save / Restore Layout

Learn more about Blazor Grid   Online Demo

DevExpress Blazor UI Data Grid Component

ASP.NET Core & Bootstrap Grids

Deliver stunning user experiences with ease

Our Bootstrap and ASP.NET Core Grid Controls emulate the look and feel of popular online applications, give end-users full control over data shaping and analysis, provide integrated support for responsive layout and performance that rivals native mobile controls.

  • Master-Detail & Data Presentation
    Our Grids are incredibly efficient at displaying information and allowing users to manipulate data on-screen. Its comprehensive data presentation feature set includes easy-to-configure master-detail support so you can deliver business solutions quickly, without wasting your precious time.
  • UI Customization and Data Editing
    Deliver powerful runtime experiences that empower end-users and build fully customizable apps. With a fully integrated suite of data editors, users can view and manipulate data on-screen while giving you the total control over data validation and cell value formatting.
  • Data Shaping
    Unleash the power of information and intuitively present it to your end-users with multi-column sorting and grouping, interval grouping, filtering and data summaries.
  • Responsive and Adaptive Layout
    Our grids will adjust to any screen resolution.

Bootstrap Grid Demo   ASP.NET Core Grid Demo

ASP.NET Core Data Grid | DevExpress
Bootstrap Data Grid | DevExpress

VCL Data Grid

The most powerful Grid for Delphi & C++Builder

The most popular data grid for the VCL platform is only available from DevExpress. From standard two-dimensional tables to runtime grouping and column customization; from master-detail relationships to card views; from integrated themes to unbound mode... The DevExpress VCL Grid Suite is the industry standard, without equal in the marketplace.

Our VCL Data Grid is feature-complete and built for speed regardless of data complexity or size. It is reliable and well tested so that mission critical applications behave as expected, each and every time.

Learn more about VCL Data Grid

Data Grid for Delphi and C++Builder | DevExpress

.NET MAUI Data Grid

Create high-performance mobile apps

Our .NET MAUI Data Grid allows you to display, edit, and shape data on iOS and Android devices with absolute ease. The grid is blazing fast and integrates dozens of high-impact features designed to address the needs of your most demanding users.

  • High-Performance / Smooth Scrolling / Large Dataset Support
  • Auto Generated Columns
  • Data Editing
  • Multi-Column Sorting
  • Grouping and Filtering API
  • Data Summaries & Aggregates
  • Pull To Refresh / Load More / Swipe Support
  • Row Drag & Drop
  • Appearance Customization & UI Templates
  • Dark and Light Themes, and much more...

Learn more about MAUI Data Grid

Data Grid for .NET MAUI, DevExpress
Data Grid for .NET MAUI - Chat App for iOS, DevExpress

Xamarin Data Grid (FREE)

Create high-performance mobile apps

Our free Xamarin UI suite ships with a high-impact and feature-complete Grid control. Features include:

  • Large Dataset Support
  • Data Editing
  • High-Performance / Smooth Scrolling
  • Multi-Column Sorting
  • Data Summaries, Grouping and Filtering API
  • Pull To Refresh, Load More and Swipe Support
  • Row Drag & Drop
  • Multi-Row Cell Layout
  • Dark and Light Themes, and much more...

Learn more about our Xamarin Data Grid

Xamarin.Forms Data Grid Control, DevExpress
Xamarin.Forms Data Grid - Chat App for iOS, DevExpress

Time to Rock & Roll – Download our Free Trial Today
And See Why our Controls Are Consistently Voted #1

Developers have consistently voted DevExpress best-in-class. Among countless other awards, we've received over 70 first place Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice awards over the last six years. Download our fully-functional 30-day trial today and experience the DevExpress difference today.


Download 30-Day Trial

Subscriptions and Packages for .NET Developers

Use the comparison table below to learn more about subscriptions we offer, explore the individual products within each subscription and select the one most appropriate for your business needs. If you have any questions or require assistance, call us at +1 (818) 844-3383 between 7:30am and 4:30pm Pacific Time or email

Best Value
WinForms Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
DirectX Hardware Acceleration
HTML & CSS Markup Support
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
DirectX Form
Dock Windows
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Layout Manager
Map Control
Heat Map
Gauge Controls
Navigation Pane
Tile Control
Live Tile Manager
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
MVVM Framework
Themes and Skinning
WPF Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
Pivot Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Rich Text Editor
Spell Checker
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Dock Windows
Layout Manager
Navigation Controls
Data Editors
Map Control
Heat Map
Gantt Control
Gauge Controls
Printing and Exporting
MVVM Framework
Application Themes
Blazor UI Components
Bar Gauge
Data Editors
Dialogs & Windows
File Management
HTML Editor
PDF Viewer
Pivot Grid
Rich Text Editor
BI Dashboard
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
Data Grid
PDF Viewer
Bottom Sheet
Data Editors
Data Form & Form Components
HTML Editor
Image Control
Layout Panels
Circular Gauge
Shimmer Control
Tree View
.NET MAUI Project Templates
Office File API Support
jQuery Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Angular Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
React Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Vue Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Web Forms Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Site Navigation
Page Layout
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Gauge Controls
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Multi-Purpose Site Controls
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Extensions
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Page Layout
Site Navigation
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Client-Side Controls
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Office Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Rich Text Editor
Printing & Export
ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
File Manager
Site Navigation and Layout
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Visual Studio Report Designer
WinForms Document Viewer
WinForms End-User Report Designer
Document Viewer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Web Report Designer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Native Blazor Document Viewer (Server, WebAssembly)
Blazor Web Report Designer (Server, WebAssembly)
WPF Document Viewer
WPF End-User Report Designer
Native Angular Document Viewer
Angular End-User Report Designer
Native React Document Viewer
React End-User Report Designer
XPO - ORM Library
High Performance ORM
Full Support for 12 Database Engines
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Visual Data Model Designer
Office File API (Basic)
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Export to Excel (XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Word Processing Document API (create, edit, update DOC/DOCX, RTF, HTML, etc.)
Office File API (Complete)
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Non-Windows Environment Support (Linux, macOS, Azure, AWS)
Spreadsheet Document API (create, edit, update XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Export to Excel (XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Word Processing Document API (create, edit, update DOC/DOCX, RTF, HTML, etc.)
PDF Document API
Digital Signature API
Barcode Generation API
Zip Compression and Archive API
Unit Conversion API
Business Intelligence Dashboard
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
WinForms Dashboard Viewer
WinForms End-User Dashboard Designer
WPF Dashboard Viewer
Blazor Dashboard Component
ASP.NET Core Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET MVC Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
HTML JS Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Angular (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for React (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Vue (includes End-User Designer)
VS Dashboard Designer
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
.NET 6, 7, 8 / .NET Framework
WinForms, ASP.NET Core Blazor, ASP.NET Web Forms
Backend Web API Service
Entity Framework Core and XPO ORM Support
Multi-Tenancy Support
Role-based Access Control, Permission Management
Administrative UI (Manage Users & Roles at Runtime)
Audit Trail (History of Data Changes)
Validation (Prevent Data Errors)
Reporting (Shape, Export & Print Data)
Analytics (Dashboard, Chart, Pivot, Map)
Office Documents (Edit Rich Text & Spreadsheets)
File Attachments (Store Custom Files)
Clone Object (Copy Data Records)
Business Process Management (Workflow & State Machine)
Conditional Appearance (Manage UI Element State)
Event Planning (Scheduler & Notifications)
Tree List Editors (Organize Hierarchical Data)
.NET App Security & Web API Service
Entity Framework Core ORM Support
XPO ORM Support
Role-based Access Control & Permission Management
ASP.NET Core Web API / OData Service for CRUD and Authorization
Administrative UI to Manage Users and Roles at Runtime
Download Reports
Download File Attachments
Obtain Localized Strings
Validate Data
Audit Data Changes
CodeRush for Visual Studio
VS 2022 Support
VS 2019 Support
VS 2017 Support
VS 2015 Support
Roslyn-Powered Superior Performance
TestCafe Studio: Functional Web Testing
Coded UI Support for WinForms Controls
Source Code *
WinForms Controls
ASP.NET Controls
WPF Controls
JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React
Blazor UI Components
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
XPO - ORM Library
Office File API
Data Visualization Dashboard
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
Technical Support
Priority Support

* DevExpress does not include/ship source code for certain products, including CodeRush, TestCafe Studio, and Report & Dashboard Server.

Subscriptions and Packages for VCL Developers

Use the comparison table below to learn more about subscriptions we offer, explore the individual products within each subscription and select the one most appropriate for your business needs. If you have any questions or require assistance, call us at +1 (818) 844-3383 between 7:30am and 4:30pm Pacific Time or email

Best Value
Grid Control and Printing System
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
ExpressPrinting System
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
ExpressSpreadSheet Suite
Pivot Grid and Vertical Grid
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
Bars, Ribbon, Docking, NavBar
Layout Manager, Data Editors, Skins
ExpressLayoutControl Suite
Data Editors
ExpressSkins Library
ExpressScheduler Suite
ExpressMapControl Suite
ExpressCharts Suite
ExpressGanttControl Suite
ExpressGaugeControl Suite
ExpressRichEditControl Suite
ExpressSpellChecker Suite
Other VCL Controls
ExpressFlowChart Suite
ExpressOrgChart Suite
ExpressWizardControl Suite
Priority Support
Full Source Code *

*   Includes full source code for VCL controls included in each individual subscription.

Best in Class Tools

DevExpress is honored to have been voted best in class 19 times in this year's Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice Awards.

Experience the DevExpress difference and see why your peers consistently vote our products #1. With our Universal Subscription, you will build your best, see complex software with greater clarity, increase your productivity and create stunning applications for Windows, Web and your Mobile world.

19 VSM Awards in 2023 x19
20 VSM Awards in 2022 x20
20 VSM Awards in 2021 x20
18 VSM Awards in 2020 x18