WinForms Data Visualization

Includes Over 60 High Performance Visualizations/Charts/Graphs

Fundamental Charts

Area Charts


Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Range Area

Range Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Step Area

Step Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Spline Area

Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Area

Stacked Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Step Area

Stacked Step Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Spline Area

Stacked Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Area

Full-Stacked Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Step Area

Full-Stacked Step Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Spline Area

Full-Stacked Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Bar / Column Charts


Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Bar

Stacked Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full Stacked Bar

Full Stacked Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Bar Side-by-Side

Stacked Bar Side-by-Side Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full Stacked Bar Side-by-Side

Full tacked Bar Side-by-Side Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Range Bar

Range Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Range Bar Side-by-Side

Range Bar Side-by-Side Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Line Charts


Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Line

Stacked Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Line

Full-Stacked Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Step Line

Step Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Spline Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Scatter Line

Scatter Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Point, Bubble & Funnel Charts


Point Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Bubble Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Funnel Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Pie & Donut Charts


Pie Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Donut Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Nested Donut

Nested Donut Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Radar & Polar Charts

Radar Point

Radar Point Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Radar Line

Radar Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Radar Area

Radar Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Radar Scatter Line

Radar Scatter Line Point Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Radar Range Area

Radar Range Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Polar Point

Polar Point Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Polar Line

Polar Line Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Polar Area

Polar Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Polar Scatter Line

Polar Scatter Line Point Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Polar Range Area

Polar Range Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Financial Charts

Candle Stick

Candle Stick Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Stock Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Gantt Charts


Gantt Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Gantt Side-by-Side

Gantt Side-by-Side Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Box Plot & Waterfall Charts

Box Plot

Box Plot Chart for WinForms | DevExpress


Waterfall Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Histogram Chart

Histogram Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Tornado Chart

Tornado Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

3D Area Charts

Area 3D

3D Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Range Area 3D

3D Range Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Step Area 3D

3D Step Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Spline Area 3D

3D Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Area 3D

3D Stacked Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Spline Area 3D

3D Stacked Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Area 3D

3D Full-Stacked Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Spline Area 3D

3D Full-Stacked Spline Area Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

3D Bar / Column Charts

Bar 3D

3D Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Manhattan Bar 3D

Manhattan Bar 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Bar 3D

Stacked Bar Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Bar Side-by-Side 3D

Stacked Bar Side-by-Side 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full Stacked Bar 3D

Full Stacked Bar 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full Stacked Bar Side-by-Side 3D

Full tacked Bar Side-by-Side 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

3D Line Charts

Line 3D

Line 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Stacked Line 3D

Stacked Line 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Full-Stacked Line 3D

Full-Stacked Line 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Step Line 3D

Step Line 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Spline 3D

Spline 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

3D Pie, Donut & Funnel Charts

Pie 3D

Pie 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Donut 3D

Donut 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Funnel 3D

Funnel 3D Chart for WinForms | DevExpress

Best in Class Tools

DevExpress is honored to have been voted best in class 19 times in this year's Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice Awards.

Experience the DevExpress difference and see why your peers consistently vote our products #1. With our Universal Subscription, you will build your best, see complex software with greater clarity, increase your productivity and create stunning applications for Windows, Web and your Mobile world.

19 VSM Awards in 2023 x19
20 VSM Awards in 2022 x20
20 VSM Awards in 2021 x20
18 VSM Awards in 2020 x18

Additional Info

WinForms UI Templates (EAP)

Jump start the form development process via polished and ready-to-use 'templates'. The motivation behind our WinForms UI Templates is to create ready-to-use UI solutions for real-life line-of-business (LOB) apps and eliminate the need for routine UI customizations. Read about UI Templates

Touch Enabled User Experience

Deliver elegant, touch-enabled WinForms applications using the platform you know and love. The WinForms Subscription helps you leverage your current investments and address customer needs via a comprehensive range of WinForms controls that support touch on Windows 8/10/11.

Sec 508 and Accessibility

The DevExpress WinForms Subscription makes it easy to create WinForms applications that meet government regulations regarding accessibility. Sec 508 and Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 support is available for DevExpress WinForms controls.

Straightforward Localization

All DevExpress WinForms controls can be localized using localization-related API or satellite resource assemblies. DevExpress delivers satellite assemblies for a large variety of languages and cultures. To help you get started, resource files for three cultures are included in our installation: German, Japanese, and Spanish. If you need to modify our shipping resources or create satellite assemblies for a different language, simply use our Online Localization Service or UI Localization Client tool.
Online Localization Service
UI Localization Client

Testing Support

The DevExpress Universal Subscription includes built-in support for Microsoft's CodedUI. Unlike many vendors claiming support for Coded UI through the simple use of MSAA, DevExpress controls go the extra mile to make certain that individual controls fully comply with Microsoft's testing framework. We don't simply support Coded UI; we support it to the maximum extent possible. Note: CodedUI support requires purchase of the DevExpress Universal Subscription. Learn more about Coded UI

MVVM Framework

The DevExpress MVVM Framework ships with features that are absent in WinForms, but essential to MVVM development. These missing features include bindings, commands, UI triggers, behaviors etc. Our Framework includes all of these along with a straightforward API to make WinForms app development more efficient. Learn more about MVVM Framework

Free 30-Day TrialSee What's New

190+ WinForms Controls

Our WinForms Subscription includes over 190 UI controls and libraries along with 60+ individual chart types. Here are some of the products included in this subscription:


Supported IDEs

Review the list of development tools and frameworks supported by our products. We strongly recommend that you always download and use the most recent versions. If the latest version does not support the IDE or framework you're using, please submit a support ticket via the DevExpress Support Center and request an evaluation version that suits your requirements.

Release Date
Support Status
Limited Support
Not Supported
(for legacy apps)
Not Supported
(for legacy apps)
Minor Updates
Security Updates
Supported Frameworks
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET 6 / .NET 7
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET 5 / .NET 6
.NET Core 3.0+
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET Framework 4.0+
Supported IDE
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 2010