Blazing Fast Pivot Grid Controls for WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET

Unmatched Performance – Unrivaled Feature Set

A couple of years ago, during the v17.1 release cycle, we started work on a new in-memory Data Processing Engine for DevExpress Dashboard and our .NET Pivot Grid product line.

Our goal was simple: create and deliver the fastest Pivot Grid and
Dashboard products in the .NET world.

The DevExpress Analytics team is proud to announce that we’ve delivered on our promise – all Pivot Grid features are now fully supported by our new data processing engine.

Lightning Fast Performance – Delivered

Our new data access engine is much much much faster than its predecessors. How much faster you ask? Well, in some usage scenarios, it's up to 37 times faster.

The following chart demonstrates improvements in performance over the last 3 years.

Pivot Grid Performance Chart, DevExpress

For this test we used the following test configuration:

  • Data: 3,406,089 rows (Microsoft Contoso database)
  • Tech Spec: Intel Core i7-47890@3.60GHz, 32.0 GB RAM, 64 bit OS
  • Layout: three Row fields, three Column fields, two Data fields

To view internal performance benchmarks and compare our newest release against its predecessors, please refer to the following KB article: Pivot Grid Performance

These performance enhancements apply to all supported platforms, including:
WinForms / WPF / ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC

Does DevExpress Ship the Fastest Pivot Grid Control on the Planet?

We believe our Pivot Grid controls stand head and shoulders above the competition. We routinely compare Pivot Grid performance against 10 common usage scenarios. Our test results consistently show that DevExpress Pivot Grid controls out-class the competition by quite a large margin.


Competitors - Pivot Grid Performance Chart, DevExpress


Here are the deails on Pivot Grid configurations mentioned in the graph above:

Layout NameRow Area FieldsColumn Area FieldsData FieldsTotal Cells
Medium Hierarchy40 (Grand Totals only)410,000
Large Hierarchy70 (Grand Totals only)450,000
Extra Large Hierarchy100 (Grand Totals only)115,000

Of course, our opinion is meaningless. Your opinion is what counts. Feel free to download our newest release and put the Pivot Grid’s new data processing engine through its paces. See how it stacks up against your favorite component library and let us know how we compare.

We’d be more than happy to share our large datasets with you. Simply let us know when you’re ready to put our products to the test and we’ll forward the necessary files to you.

Are You an Existing User? Ready to migrate to our new Data Access Engine?

Migration to our new data access engine couldn’t be easier. When ready, you simply need to update your project to v19.1.

Once you update, your Pivot Grid controls will use our new engine by default (unless you specifically switch to LegacyEngine via the component’s DataProcessingEngine option).

You can find a detailed technical description of differences between our old and new data access engine in this KB article.

Future Plans

Our new engine ships with native high-level data processing features, including aggregations and window functions. As we promised in our 2019 Roadmap, we expect to deliver an easy-to-use API for these data processing features later this year.

Still Have Questions?

We are here to help. If you have a question or want to learn more about our new data access engine, please submit a support ticket via the DevExpress Support Center.

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Best Value
WinForms Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
DirectX Hardware Acceleration
HTML & CSS Markup Support
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
DirectX Form
Dock Windows
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Layout Manager
Map Control
Heat Map
Gauge Controls
Navigation Pane
Tile Control
Live Tile Manager
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
MVVM Framework
Themes and Skinning
WPF Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
Tree List
Property Grid
Pivot Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Rich Text Editor
Spell Checker
PDF Viewer
Sankey Diagram
Dock Windows
Layout Manager
Navigation Controls
Data Editors
Map Control
Heat Map
Gantt Control
Gauge Controls
Printing and Exporting
MVVM Framework
Application Themes
Blazor UI Components
Bar Gauge
Data Editors
Dialogs & Windows
File Management
HTML Editor
PDF Viewer
Pivot Grid
Rich Text Editor
BI Dashboard
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
Data Grid
PDF Viewer
Bottom Sheet
Data Editors
Data Form & Form Components
HTML Editor
Image Control
Layout Panels
Circular Gauge
Shimmer Control
Tree View
.NET MAUI Project Templates
Office File API Support
jQuery Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Angular Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
React Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
Vue Components
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Components
Map Components
Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Actions and Lists
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Web Forms Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Site Navigation
Page Layout
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Gauge Controls
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Multi-Purpose Site Controls
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Extensions
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
Calendar & Scheduling
Card View
Page Layout
Site Navigation
Docking and Popups
Pivot Grid
Tree List
Vertical Grid
HTML Editor
Data Browsing
Image Browsing
File Management
Printing & Exporting
Spell Checker
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
ASP.NET MVC Client-Side Controls
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Data Grid
Calendar & Scheduling
Pivot Grid
HTML/Markdown Editor
File Management
Form Layout
Data Editors
Gauge Controls
Map Control
Web Navigation and Layout
Dialogs and Notifications
Multi-Purpose Web Controls
Data Export
Theme Builder
ASP.NET Core Office Controls
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Rich Text Editor
Printing & Export
ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls
Data Grid
Rich Text Editor
File Manager
Site Navigation and Layout
Data Editors
Themes and Skinning
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Visual Studio Report Designer
WinForms Document Viewer
WinForms End-User Report Designer
Document Viewer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Web Report Designer (ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, Core)
Native Blazor Document Viewer (Server, WebAssembly)
Blazor Web Report Designer (Server, WebAssembly)
WPF Document Viewer
WPF End-User Report Designer
Native Angular Document Viewer
Angular End-User Report Designer
Native React Document Viewer
React End-User Report Designer
XPO - ORM Library
High Performance ORM
Full Support for 12 Database Engines
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Visual Data Model Designer
Office File API (Basic)
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Export to Excel (XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Word Processing Document API (create, edit, update DOC/DOCX, RTF, HTML, etc.)
Office File API (Complete)
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
Non-Windows Environment Support (Linux, macOS, Azure, AWS)
Spreadsheet Document API (create, edit, update XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Export to Excel (XLSX, XLS, CSV)
Word Processing Document API (create, edit, update DOC/DOCX, RTF, HTML, etc.)
PDF Document API
Digital Signature API
Barcode Generation API
Zip Compression and Archive API
Unit Conversion API
Business Intelligence Dashboard
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 Support
WinForms Dashboard Viewer
WinForms End-User Dashboard Designer
WPF Dashboard Viewer
Blazor Dashboard Component
ASP.NET Core Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET Web Forms Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
ASP.NET MVC Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
HTML JS Dashboard Control (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Angular (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for React (includes End-User Designer)
Dashboard Component for Vue (includes End-User Designer)
VS Dashboard Designer
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
.NET 6, 7, 8 / .NET Framework
WinForms, ASP.NET Core Blazor, ASP.NET Web Forms
Backend Web API Service
Entity Framework Core and XPO ORM Support
Multi-Tenancy Support
Role-based Access Control, Permission Management
Administrative UI (Manage Users & Roles at Runtime)
Audit Trail (History of Data Changes)
Validation (Prevent Data Errors)
Reporting (Shape, Export & Print Data)
Analytics (Dashboard, Chart, Pivot, Map)
Office Documents (Edit Rich Text & Spreadsheets)
File Attachments (Store Custom Files)
Clone Object (Copy Data Records)
Business Process Management (Workflow & State Machine)
Conditional Appearance (Manage UI Element State)
Event Planning (Scheduler & Notifications)
Tree List Editors (Organize Hierarchical Data)
.NET App Security & Web API Service
Entity Framework Core ORM Support
XPO ORM Support
Role-based Access Control & Permission Management
ASP.NET Core Web API / OData Service for CRUD and Authorization
Administrative UI to Manage Users and Roles at Runtime
Download Reports
Download File Attachments
Obtain Localized Strings
Validate Data
Audit Data Changes
CodeRush for Visual Studio
VS 2022 Support
VS 2019 Support
VS 2017 Support
VS 2015 Support
Roslyn-Powered Superior Performance
TestCafe Studio: Functional Web Testing
Coded UI Support for WinForms Controls
Source Code *
WinForms Controls
ASP.NET Controls
WPF Controls
JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React
Blazor UI Components
.NET MAUI Controls with Support
XPO - ORM Library
Office File API
Data Visualization Dashboard
XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI
Technical Support
Priority Support

* DevExpress does not include/ship source code for certain products, including CodeRush, TestCafe Studio, and Report & Dashboard Server.