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WinForms Demos

Whether building Office-Inspired, touch-enabled or data-centric business intelligence applications, you are always in full control with the DevExpress WinForms Product Line.

Free 30-Day Trial: DevExpress WinForms demo apps require installation of WinForms Subscription.

Outlook-Inspired Application

Office Inspired App for WinForms | DevExpress

Build apps with the UI elements your customers have come to expect from the world's most popular software suite.

Run Demo

Dental Clinic Application

Dental Clinic App for WinForms | DevExpress

Create a relatively modern UX – a user experience that can be applied to different industries with minimal changes.

Run Demo

Stock Market Trader

Stock Market Trader App for WinForms | DevExpress

Build WinForms applications that replicate the innovative navigation UI.

Run Demo

New HTML & CSS Templates

HTML and CSS Templates for WinForms | DevExpress

In this demo we define data-aware templates for our WinForms Data Grid control with HTML-CSS markup.

Run DemoLearn more about HTML & CSS Support

Touch-Enabled Hybrid Application

Touch-Enabled Hybrid App for WinForms | DevExpress

Build touch-friendly WinForms applications that meet the evolving needs of your enterprise.

Run Demo

Fluent Mail Client Application

Fluent Mail Client App for WinForms | DevExpress

In this demo application we use our Fluent Design Form to replicate Microsoft Mail's UI.

Run Demo

WPF Demos

With over 130 optimized UI controls and libraries, the DevExpress WPF Subscription, can help you create powerful and visually stunning business solutions that maintain the highest performance standards regardless of the demands placed upon your application by your end-users.

Outlook-Inspired Application

WPF Outlook Inspired Demo Application | DevExpress

Build Office inspired applications with the UI elements your customers have come to expect from the world's most popular software suite.

See Demo

Touch-Enabled Hybrid App

WPF Touch-Enabled Hybrid Application | DevExpress

Build touch-friendly and highly responsive WPF applications that meet the evolving needs of your enterprise.

See Demo

Stock Market Trader

WPF Stock Market Application | DevExpress

Build WPF applications that replicate the innovative navigation UI introduced in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

See Demo

DevExtreme JavaScript / TypeScript Demos

From Angular and React, to Vue and jQuery, DevExtreme includes a comprehensive suite of blazing-fast and responsive UI components for web applications development across platforms and devices.

Data Grid Demo

Data Grid Demo - DevExtreme JavaScript and TypeScript Demos | DevExpress

DevExtreme Data Grid is built for speed and ready to tackle your toughest business challenge.

See Demo

Data Editors and Form Demo

Data Editors and Form Demo - DevExtreme JavaScript and TypeScript Demos | DevExpress

DevExtreme Form is designed to present and edit data stored in an object. More than 20 editors are available to manage your data.

See Demo

Charts Demo

Charts Demo - DevExtreme JavaScript and TypeScript Demos | DevExpress

DevExtreme data visualization components allow you to transform data into its most appropriate, concise, and readable visual representation.

See Demo

Data Grid View Templates

Data Grid View Templates | DevExpress

Use our Data Grid View Template to display CRM/ERP data entity lists such as contacts, customers, and order records in tabular form.

Explore Template

Analytics & BI Dashboard Templates

Analytics and BI Dashboard Templates | DevExpress

With our Analytics / BI Dashboard Templates, you can leverage the power of DevExtreme Charts and our multi-purpose UI components to deliver intuitive BI-centric solutions for your enterprise.

Explore Template

Scheduler & Calendar Templates

Scheduler and Calendar Templates | DevExpress

Incorporate scheduling/calendar functionality at the blink of an eye. Allow users to schedule tasks/events/appointments and display calendar information using multiple presentation modes.

Explore Template

Kanban Board Templates

Kanban Board Templates | DevExpress

Use DevExtreme Kanban Board Templates to display task/project-related info within your next great web app. Kanban Templates support data editing and drag operations.

Explore Template

Blazor Components Demos

DevExpress UI for Blazor Components ships with high-performance user interface components so you can design rich user experiences with ease.

Data Grid for Blazor Demo

Data Grid for Blazor / Razor Demo | DevExpress

Our grid is built for speed. Deliver solutions that are always fast and always responsive.

See DemoExplore Data Grid Features

Scheduler for Blazor Demo

Scheduler for Blazor Demo | DevExpress

Deliver full-featured personal information management systems in the shortest possible time.

See DemoExplore Scheduler Features

Chart for Blazor Demo

Chart for Blazor Demo | DevExpress

Transform data to its most appropriate, concise and readable visual representation.

See DemoExplore Chart Features

Pivot Grid for Blazor Demo

Pivot Grid for Blazor Demo | DevExpress

An Excel-inspired pivot table control engineered for multi-dimensional data analysis and cross-tab reporting.

See DemoExplore PivotGrid Features

Data Editors for Blazor Demo

Data Editors for Blazor Demo | DevExpress

Our Data Editors for Blazor Components include four individual UI controls and a multi-purpose pager.

See DemoExplore Data Editors Features

Blazor Reporting Demo

Blazor Reporting Application | DevExpress

DevExpress Reports for Blazor ships with a fully integrated set of productivity tools, document viewer, Visual Studio and end-user report designers.

See DemosLearn more about DevExpress Reporting platform

Blazor Office File API Demo

Office Fiile API - Blazor Tutorials | DevExpress

See Demo

ASP.NET Core Demos

Explore the comprehensive feature set of ASP.NET Core Components powered by lightweight JavaScript components, office-inspired Rich Text Editor and Spreadsheet components, and Reporting platform. View our online tutorials, videos and product documentation.

Data Grid

ASP.NET Core Data Grid Demo | DevExpress

Easily manage information and display it on-screen as business needs dictate.

See Demo

Explore DataGrid Documentation

Calendar & Scheduling

ASP.NET Core Scheduler Demo | DevExpress

Build the next great schedule manager quickly, without hassles.

See Demo

Explore Scheduler Documentation

Charts, Gauges, Maps

ASP.NET Core Charts Demo | DevExpress

Data visualization components allow you to transform data into its most appropriate, concise, and readable visual representation.

See Demo

Explore Charts Documentation

Rich Text Editor

ASP.NET Core Rich Text Editor Demo | DevExpress

The DevExpress ASP.NET Core Rich Text Editor allows you to seamlessly integrate advanced text editing capabilities into your web application.

See Demo

Explore Rich Text Edit Documentation


ASP.NET Core Spreadsheet Demo | DevExpress

Spreadsheet control allows you to read, write, print, and convert Excel and OpenXML files with absolute ease.

See Demo

Explore Spreadsheet Features


ASP.NET Core Reporting Demo | DevExpress

Construct reports of unmatched elegance and informational clarity.

See Demo

Explore Reporting Documentation

ASP.NET Web Forms/MVC Demos

Explore the comprehensive feature set of server-side DevExpress ASP.NET Controls and MVC optimized extensions, view our online tutorials, videos and product documentation.

Outlook-Inspired Application

ASP.NET Outlook Inspired Demo | DevExpress

Deliver functional, elegant and interactive experiences for the web, regardless of the target browser or computing device.

See Demo

Sales Viewer

ASP.NET Sales Viewer Demo | DevExpress

Construct flexible and fully customizable web apps for real-time data consumption and analysis.

See Demo

Office Applications (Mobile friendly)

ASP.NET Office Apps Demo | DevExpress

DevExpress ASP.NET Controls allow you to create touch-enabled web applications for next generation devices.

See Demo


ASP.NET Performance Demo | DevExpress

See Demo

Hotel Booking

ASP.NET Hotel Booking - Touch Demo | DevExpress

See Demo


ASP.NET Documents Demo | DevExpress

See Demo

ASP.NET Web Forms Technical Demos

ASP.NET Web Forms Technical Demos | DevExpress

See Demo

ASP.NET MVC Technical Demos

ASP.NET MVC Technical Demos | DevExpress

See Demo

Responsive Application

ASP.NET Responsive Application Template Demo | DevExpress

See Demo

Bootstrap ASP.NET Web Forms Demos

The power and simplicity of server-side ASP.NET Web Forms Controls merges with the client-side responsiveness and render code clarity of Bootstrap framework, bringing you the best of both worlds.

Office-Inspired Application

ASP.NET Bootstrap Office Inspired Demo | DevExpress

Build fully functional-Office-inspired solutions for the web.

See Demo

Grid View Demo

ASP.NET Bootstrap Grid View Demo | DevExpress

A powerful grid control with unlimited master-detail levels and unmatched data shaping capabilities.

See Demo

Charts Demo

ASP.NET Bootstrap Charts Demo | DevExpress

Fast and lightweight chart control with 20+ data presentation types.

See Demo

MAUI (Multi-Platform App UI) Demos

Written in Objective C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android, our MAUI controls are seamlessly integrated with the .NET MAUI platform using its "Handlers". You can deliver unmatched performance, usability, and functionality to your end-user AND do so using C# and .NET 6/7/8.

.NET Reporting Demos

Explore the comprehensive feature set of DevExpress Reporting for .NET. The following demo applications are also included in our free 30-day trial.

XAF - App Framework Demos

The following are online versions of demo applications we ship for the Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF).

If you are targeting the WinForms platform, download the free 30 day trial to run the demos on your machine.

Employee Management (XPO/EF Core)

XAF Main Demo for Blazor, ASP.NET Web Forms, WinForms | DevExpress

This demo allows you to store contacts, tasks, events, reports and other related data. It includes reusable XAF modules such Reports, Office, Scheduler, View Variants, PivotChart, AuditTrail, FileAttachments.

WinForms (Main Demo)*
ASP.NET Core Blazor (Main Demo)
ASP.NET Web Forms (Main Demo)
ASP.NET Web Forms (CRM Demo)

Outlook-inspired Demo App (EF Core)

XAF Outlook-inspired Demo App - EF Core | DevExpress

This Outlook-inspired demo app is built using XAF Blazor / WinForms (powered by the EF Core ORM). The demo includes reusable XAF modules such as Multi-Tenancy, Reports, Scheduler, Dashboards, Office, and many custom editors (charts, pivot grids, maps, data grids with master-detail and layout views).

Outlook-inspired Demo App (EF Core)
Learn more about Multi-Tenancy Module
Learn more about UI and Behavior Customization

.NET App Security & Web API Service

.NET App Security API (Role-based Access Control) | DevExpress

A set of CRUD server and client-side apps with a menu, data grids and editors that connect to a database and access data records based on user rights (authentication and role-based access control). Supported platforms: JS, ASP.NET Core Blazor Server, WebAssembly, .NET MAUI, WinForms, etc.

Demos & Tutorials
Learn more about .NET App Security & Web API Service

* XAF WinForms demo requires installation of Universal Subscription.

BI Dashboard Demos

Review the DevExpress BI Dashboard local and online demos below.

Free 30-Day Trial: DevExpress WinForms & WPF demo apps require installation of WinForms/WPF Subscription.

Blazor Dashboard Demos

Blazor Dashboard Demos | DevExpress

See Demo
Getting Started

WinForms Dashboard Demos

WinForms Dashboard Demos | DevExpress

See Demo
Getting Started

Web Dashboard Demos

Web Dashboard | DevExpress

See Demo
Getting Started

WPF Dashboard Demos

WPF Dashboard Demos | DevExpress

See Demo
Getting Started

Tablet-Optimized Demo

Financial Dashboard Web Application | DevExpress

See Demo

Office File API Demos

A non-visual cross-platform .NET Library that allows you to fully process Excel, Word and PDF documents without using Microsoft Office automation.

ASP.NET Web Forms Demos

Office File API - ASP.NET Tutorials | DevExpress

See Demo


Office File API - ASP.NET MVC Tutorials | DevExpress

See Demo

ASP.NET Core Demos

Office Fiile API - ASP.NET Core Tutorials | DevExpress

See Demo

Blazor Demos

Office Fiile API - Blazor Tutorials | DevExpress

See Demo

Report & Dashboard Server Demo

Easy to setup and manage, Report & Dashboard Server offers built-in report and dashboard designers, document versioning and scheduled document distribution.

Report & Dashboard Server - Online Demo

Report and Dashboard Server - Online Demo | DevExpress

See Demo

VCL Demos

Whether building Office-Inspired touch-enabled applications or replicating the dock based UI of Visual Studio or Adobe Photoshop, you are always in full control with the DevExpress VCL Product Line.

Download our compiled demos (with full source code) and explore the comprehensive feature set of DevExpress VCL Components.

Mail Client

VCL Mail Client Application | DevExpress

Download Demo

Touch-Enabled Hybrid App

VCL Touch-Enabled Hybrid Application | DevExpress

Download Demo

Realtor World

VCL Realtor World Application | DevExpress

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